A new year, a new start!
Posted Thursday 2 January 2014 // 11:40 pm
So another year has started which means a new start has begun as well! I used to have many blogs, but they died due to my inactivity. I wanted to have a fresh start with blogger. I want to record more of my daily life, whether I did or didn't do anything, whether it's 90% about school or free time activities. I want to write down my ups and downs. I want to write down good memories, so I can look back on them later on!

Well then. 2014 has just started and, like many other people, I also have my new year resolutions.
  • I want to read more books. This has several reasons. I want to improve both my English and Dutch as I have a lot of difficulty with the grammar of both. I also want to read more as I have recently discovered the joy of reading books!
  • Treasure my friendships. I always do this and I want to continue to do this. I want to be able to help my friends, I want to be there for them, I want to laugh and talk with them. I will continue to treasure my friendships.
  • Pass the first year of university. I have done this school year in 2011-2012, but I failed back then. Now that I am back, I really want to pass. My first exam weeks went absolutely splendid as I passed everything with high grades. I hope to be able to keep this up. I'm going to work hard for it!
  • Try to stay confident in myself. 2013 was a very good year for me and I gained a lot of confidence in myself throughout that year. I wish to stay this confident, if not become more confident!
  • Perhaps lose some weight. I am very overweight. I do feel good about who I am and my body, but I want to feel more healthy. This is not my biggest goal though.
  • Keep up this blog. I want try and keep this blog up to date as much as I can! I want, as I mentioned earlier, to keep my life recorded here. Not necessarily everyday, but at least three times a week.
I might have some more, but I cannot think of those right now. These are, to me, the most important ones right now. Will I succeed? I do not know, but I can most definitely try! Happy new year! On to another year filled with unexpected things!

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