A quiet sunday
Posted Sunday 5 January 2014 // 8:37 pm
So today I woke up late as usual, somewhere around 11 AM. I am glad that school starts again, because I need my daily rhythm. So today I decided to spend my Sunday different than usual. I looked outside and it was quite sunny, so I decided to go out and walk. I want to be more fit, so daily walks are a good idea.
It was cold, but the sun was nice! It was actually very sunny today. I decided to take the bus to the city. First Sunday of the month which means the stores were open. I decided to walk around there for maybe 30 minutes. I ended up walking around there for about one and half an hour! The buses do not drive often on a Sunday, so I ended up walking home. So, in total, I walked for about 2 hours. I liked it, but the weather decided to flip around after one and half an hour. It became really cold and the sun was gone. So walking home was not too enjoyable.

After that I spend quite a lot of time on my homework, as uni starts tomorrow again. I also watched a let's play from my favourite youtube pyschadelicsnake. I am still watching it actually. I was kind of thirsty and I had the most delicious hot chocolate milk ever!
Hot chocolate milk made with almond milk. I never had almond milk until 2 days ago and it is incredibly delicious! Now let me tell you this. If you can drink almond milk (so no allergies or stuff) and you love hot chocolate milk, try using almond milk. It is so delicious, I cannot put it into words. 

One hour left. I am probably going to study or something. Less than an hour left until the second episode of Sherlock season 3! I am excited!  

Blogger ♔ S said...

Hmm almond milk.. Sounds nice. Gonna try it sometime!

Wat goed dat je door de stad ging wandelen. Beetje frisse lucht enzo! Ik moet jou als voorbeeld nemen zeg xD Misschien heb je wel zin om deze hele week te wandelen. Heb gehoord dat het de komende dagen best warm wordt. Morgen wordt het zelfs 13 graden. Say whut lol

1/05/2014 9:41 pm  

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